Getting enough sleep each night is an instrumental part of boosting your sense of wellness, vitality and overall health - here’s why!
Experts say that getting enough sleep is one of the most important parts of promoting healthy living habits, so why is it that so many of us have such a hard time getting to bed on time and staying asleep throughout the night? What is causing us to toss and turn, wake up at random times of the night or even go hours on end staring up at the ceiling or fighting against a racing mind?
There may be numerous reasons why you’re not sleeping well, but one thing is certain: there are serious health effects - both positive and negative - attributed to the amount of sleep you get each night. Let’s look at the numerous areas in which sleep affects your health.
Your Mood
Feeling a bit irritable in the morning? There’s a reason why… and it isn’t always your partner’s singing in the shower that pushes your buttons in the early hours. If the quality and quantity of your sleep is lacking, your mood and ability to effectively regulate emotions can hit rock bottom. You may feel irritable, cranky and stressed out if you don’t get enough sleep, which can be enough to create real emotional friction between you and those you interact with.
Your Safety
The phrase “asleep at the wheel” isn’t just a saying, it can actually happen if you drive, operate machinery or do anything else remotely physical on too little sleep. Studies have shown that going about 20 hours without sleep can impair your vision and spatial judgement to the point where you react to vehicle-related tasks like an inebriated person would. If you get too little sleep and also have a few drinks before getting behind the wheel, you really up your odds of a dangerous accident.
Your Respiratory System
Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can lead to an increased likelihood of contracting an airborne illness, like the cold or flu. Lack of sleep has also been shown to exacerbate the symptoms of existing respiratory woes, and a firm correlation between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and lack of sleep has been established. Not getting enough sleep can be the tipping point between staying healthy and contracting a minor, though annoying illness like a cold, sinus infection or the flu.
Your Cardiovascular System
The body relies on certain physiological processes to keep your blood vessels, arteries and heart healthy, and a lack of sleep can interfere with these normal routines. Too little sleep will affect your blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and inflammation levels throughout the entire body. Recent studies have shown that chronic insomnia or lack of sleep directly links to an elevated risk of stroke and heart attack.
Your Hormones
Did you know that testosterone production requires a minimum of three hours of uninterrupted sleep? Or that lack of sleep in adolescents can cause a dysfunction in the pituitary gland, possibly causing growth concerns in kids? Your hormones are affected by your sleep patterns, and if you don’t get enough rest (and exercise, by the way) you can derail your body’s natural balance in a matter of days.
Your Digestive System
A lack of sleep can kick the body into blood sugar overdose mode, thanks to the higher levels of insulin typically released after extended periods of sleep deprivation. These elevated levels of insulin can contribute to additional body fat accumulation - thereby compounding any weight-related sleep apnea issues or related respiratory concerns. The brain also responds to too little sleep by increasing the production of the stimulant ghrelin, while also lowering the production of leptin. This combination may lead to weight gain by boosting hunger and making it harder to feel satisfied.
Your Overall Appearance
Lack of sleep can affect the body’s normal level of naturally-occurring collagen, a substance that can become damaged by elevated levels of cortisol in your system when you get too little sleep. Skin becomes wrinkled and coarse and areas that were once firm may become loose and saggy. Getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water will help you keep your youthful appearance.
There are numerous health implications related to not getting enough sleep, but the good news is that there are also numerous ways to improve the quality and quantity of your nightly sleep - all without spending a fortune. A couple of customizable water pillows can help you maintain proper positioning of your head, neck and shoulders throughout the night, while ensuring that your wake up each morning feeling as refreshed and rejuvenated as possible. For more information on improving your quality of sleep through new water base pillows, contact the experts at Mediflow today!